Cannabis Rescheduling Public Comment Guide

It’s been just two weeks since comments opened on the Department of Justice’s proposed rule reclassifying marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III. In that time, there have already been more than 10,800 comments submitted.

There’s still lots of time to make your voice heard, so the Fire Business Strategies team put together a quick guide to this comment period.


Comments must be submitted electronically or postmarked on or before 11:59 Eastern Time on July 22, 2024.


The DOJ encourages interested parties to submit comments electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal


On the Federal eRulemaking Portal you can find the text of the DOJ’s proposed rule and type short comments directly into the comment field or to attach a file for lengthier comments. Make sure to reference “Docket No. DEA-1362” on all comments and attachments so that your comment can be processed.

Note that all comments received will be part of the public record. The DOJ will make comments available for public inspection online at So don’t include any personally identifiable information or other information you don’t want disclosed.

For more tips on how to maximize your impact, be sure to check out our Quick Guide to Public Comment.