Public Comment Quick Guide

From Schedule III, to psychedelics, to state and local rulemaking, there are so many opportunities to be involved in public comment. What is public comment anyways? Laws are passed by your elected representatives. They usually direct an unelected regulatory body to do something big picture; like “create a regulatory framework to license and regulate cannabis businesses.”

No law is perfect. No matter how specific a law is, there are always at least a few details that it leaves out. That’s where public comment comes in. When regulators are figuring out these details, they usually have to request feedback from the public in a formal process known as “public comment” This is your opportunity to help them get it right.

So, how do you participate?

1.    Know your Audience

It’s usually best to work with the regulators constructively rather than against them. The regulators can’t do anything that contradicts the law they are adopting rules around, so don’t ask for changes they can’t make.

2.    Know the Rules

There are 3 main types of “rules” to be aware of before engaging in public comment: the law, the proposed rules, and the specific rules for this round of public comment. Make sure you visit the regulatory body’s rulemaking website and review all three before you dive in.

3.    Offer Specific Solutions

Regulators have a hard job. Despite their best efforts, even legitimate and popular issues slip through the cracks. We recommend providing specific edits to the rule you would like to see changed. The easier it is to implement your suggestions, the more likely it is they will be accepted.