What We Do

Fire Business Strategies is a full-service cannabis consulting company centered around an integrated suite of data-driven cannabis business planning tools. We provide a business planning toolbox that helps our clients focus on operations, providing meaningful projections and feedback across production, staffing, supply chain management, sales, compliance, and financial health.

From inception to implementation, Fire has you covered.

Learn more at the links below.

Business Planning

At Fire Business Strategies we know it doesn’t matter if you’re a new business or an existing brand; success starts and ends with a good plan. Working with Fire starts with an initial consultation designed to pinpoint your needs and business goals. Once we’ve gotten to know you, we use our Forecaster to generate detailed, meaningful business intelligence and business planning data. The best part? You can make quick, easy changes to your Forecast, allowing you to adapt your plans to new product categories or fresh markets on the fly. From there, we guide you through the strategic planning process—including development of pitch decks, business plans, go-to-market strategies, and more.

Brand Development & Design

Logos, merchandise, marketing strategies—when the question is how to ride the waves in an ever-growing sea of cannabis brands, Fire has answers. From startups to established operators, we work closely with you to develop intriguing, intelligent, intuitive brands that deserve the hype.

Marketing & Analysis

Competition is thick in cannabis, and knowing where you stand can be hard to see from between the trees. Fire Business Strategies offers customized and comprehensive analysis of existing and emerging market opportunities. Then we go beyond the data. Fire’s expert consultants turn numbers into narratives, letting you take control of your cannabis company’s story.

Product Development & Implementation

At Fire Business Strategies we firmly believe that a better cannabis industry starts with better cannabis products. To make that a reality, we’ve brought together professionals from across the industry to develop an integrated suite of easy-to-use work instructions and SOPs for a variety of product categories and regulatory environments. Our expert team also offers advice, training, and process analysis to drive efficient, safe, and profitable operations.

Licensing & Applications

You’re going to need expertise or expert partners in agriculture, accounting, and sales already, but the paperwork always needs to be in order. Our Licensing & Application services boast unprecedented experience in the field of competitive application writing so you can go into the process with confidence and the best possible chance at winning.

Where open licensing is established, Fire is still happy to manage the application and renewal processes so your team can focus on executing the details that underpin cannabis industry success.

Intelligence & Analytics

Supply chain management, staffing, inventory—it’s a lot to keep track of. Combining the power of our Forecaster with real-time data collection, Fire Business Strategies’ experts can help you stay ahead of business growth and market developments. Our team will distill insights from the data—turning complex, interdependent chains of logistics into easy-to-understand, executable plans.

Business Fitness Assessment

If you stopped at the compliance checklist, you wouldn’t even be halfway there. Fire’s Business Fitness Assessment uses over 120 touchpoints to coach cannabis companies to optimize their agility, strength, and longevity with strong focus on compliance, safety, and efficiency. And it doesn’t stop at state or industry-level compliance; Fire Business Strategies’ Business Fitness Assessment brings the highest international standards of compliance, quality assurance, and environmental health and safety to companies of any size—from microbusiness to MSO.


Quality Management & SOP Development

Executing a quality management system can be a maze of complex documentation, employee health and safety standards, and enterprise resource planning. Fire Business Strategies seeks to remove these obstacles by providing a simple, easy-to-navigate SOP/QA tool to support the production of dozens of SKUs to the highest local, national and international standards for consumer product quality. For cannabis firms seeking bespoke SOP development, Fire harnesses the power of machine learning to rapidly develop compliant, efficient documentation specific to your use-case and corporate voice.

Safety & Compliance

There’s state cannabis compliance, which we’re experts in navigating, then there’s everything else. That’s where Fire Business Strategies helps new and seasoned cannabis companies alike to align themselves with the highest local, national and international standards of safety and compliance, never losing sight of their commitment to your cannabis business’s success.

Facility Design & Systems Integration

From concept to execution, Fire Business Strategies is committed to building awesome cannabis companies from the ground up. Fire’s experts understand the nuances of the cannabis manufacturing process, and the many ways facility design can directly impact product quality. Deploying these principles, Fire Business Strategies is ready with anything from site inspections to full-on project planning. Working alongside your choice of engineers, national suppliers and local developers, Fire strives to keep your cannabis projects on plan, on budget, and on time with a focus on efficiency and profitability.

Production & Retail Training

From making top-shelf hash to selling infused lotions, Fire Business Strategies believes a commitment to excellence starts and ends with people. Our module-based and in-person training solutions cover a variety of basic topics from seed to sale, including cannabis legal status, manufacturing processes & safety, ID verification & compliant sales, and inventory best practices. Once your crew has mastered the basics, Fire also offers a number of advanced topics like advanced budtending & terpene profiling, cannabis quality management systems, and more.

Change Management & Process Improvement

Fire Business Strategies seeks to foster longevity in client brands by helping cannabis companies respond to emerging and evolving markets with robust, goal-oriented and future-focused plans. Once we’re working together, you can trust Fire to keep an eye on regulatory changes, market trends, and tech innovation so you and your staff can prioritize operations and margins. Our expert team is ready to provide hands-on insights and training so you can stay ahead of the curve.

Work with Fire

From inception to implementation, Fire Business Strategies has you covered. Our suite of solutions and consulting services are designed to revolutionize the way business is done in the cannabis, hemp, and state-regulated marijuana industries. Want to know more about how Fire can help you grow your business? Click the link to the right to request a free initial consultation.